chessvision-ai-bot recognizes game from the position

1 minute read

Quite often it happens that a post contains a position from a famous game. In such a case it nice to game a direct link to the game so it’s easy to go and check it out, and this is what the bot can do now!


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How it works?

It searches a database of master games and:

  • if it finds a unique game with the recognized position, it gives the description like in this post, i.e. players names, their ratings at the time, the year the game was played, the result, and the link directly to the game.
  • if it finds more than one game with the recognized position, but less than 10 games, then it writes “The position occurred in 6 games” for example, and gives the link to the list of the games.
  • if it finds more than 10 games, then it writes “The position occurred in many games” and gives the link to the list of all games.